Family database Juling
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There are 18 individuals with the location New York (USA) in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name Birth Death
HUNT, Eleanor * about 1849 in New York (USA), + in
L, Elizabeth * in New York (USA), + in
GREGG, George W * about 1842 in New York (USA), + in
COOPER, Phebe * about 1833 in New York (USA), + in
COOPER, Sarah * about 1835 in New York (USA), + in
COOPER, William * about 1838 in New York (USA), + in
MARGARET, * about 1797 in New York (USA), + in

???, ? Grau * in , + about 1856 in New York (USA)

TANNER, James Manning * 08.05.1824 in New York (USA), + in 1867 in St. Louis (Missouri)

TRIMBLE, Clarissa * in 1854 in New York (USA), + in 1886 in Michigan (USA)
DOWNING, Sara * in 1809 in New York (USA), + 22.09.1888 in


WOOD, George * 17.12.1832 in Chillicothe (Ohio), + 15.05.1897 in New York (USA)

WORK, George Paul * 08.09.1858 in New York (USA), + 25.02.1900 in Davos (CH)
MORRISON, Janet * in 1817 in New York (USA), + in 1901 in
HUNT, John * 20.05.1814 in DeRuyter (New York), + about 1905 in Plainwell (Michigan)
     oo 02.06.1833 in New York (USA) COREY, Elizabeth A * 08.02.1816 in Massachusetts (USA), + 10.07.1894 in Michigan (USA)

BETTS, Christiana S * 26.10.1842 in New York (USA), + 10.01.1927 in St. Louis (Missouri)

HUNT, Jennie * 01.02.1879 in New York (USA), + after 1941 in
HUNT, George A * 05.12.1881 in New York (USA), + 05.04.1941 in Walker Township (Michigan)
Last update: 10.07.2002
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